Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Savannah did a little digging in my garden spot while we were cleaning up from our Mother's Day dinner. She was even washing her face with dirt!!
She doesn't look too happy, but she really was having a great time. The other kids were much more cautious about covering themselves in dirt. She didn't want to quit, until she realized that she could have a bath . . . also one of her favorite things!
Good thing I haven't planted my garden yet!
Happy Mother's Day to all you moms, grandmothers, daughters, aunts and wonderful women in my life! Someday this little one will grow up to be a mom and laugh at her own daugher's messes.

Monday, March 8, 2010

A Dream Come True, sort of....

Congrats Stephanie and Shane!!!
For many years, I've had a dream of singing in the Tabernacle Choir. Well, I got to sing in the Choir seats!! Greg and I sang with the Draper Temple Devotional Choir for a special Sunday night meeting for temple workers and their spouses or family members. I really am sitting in this photo, I think 4th row up from the bottom.. It was a wonderful experience to practice with this choir and sit in this historic tabernacle.

We went to St. George to attend my neice's wedding with my parents. It was a great morning to be with our family. Being there brought back sweet memories of our wedding there nearly 33 years ago.

It was fun to be there with Stephanie and Shane and the Brinkerhoff family.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Hey everyone!

It's been a year since I've posted anything, almost. Not that nothing has happened -- I just am so lame at doing this blogging thing.
So, Lori, me and her two little girls drove to California last weekend kind of on the spur of the moment to see Natalie. It was so fun! I successfully drove the whole way, with Lori to keep me awake and on the right road. She had the hard job of keeping Brooklyn and Savannah happy with treats and movies and whatever it took for many hours in the car. But, we made it!!

We went to the beach, briefly, and to downtown LA and to the beautiful, historic, Mission Inn in Riverside. Mostly, we just hung out with Natalie. It was so nice to have a short break from winter and be warm again!!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Way to go Runners!!

I'm so proud of Greg and Heidi! They ran the Salt Lake Half Marathon today and both finished very well, at 2 hours or just under. We don't have the official race results yet, but they enjoyed the race and met their goals. The race finished at the Gateway, with tons of people cheering on the runners, wheelchair racers, marathoners and even a little kids' 1K. It was a fun atmosphere. I hope to be ready to run it next year.... any takers? Kaitlyn and Michael were there with Steve to cheer for Heidi and Greg. Seeing the first marathon runner turn the corner onto the last straightaway at 2 hours and 15 minutes was exciting. He was flying! It was a super fun morning!


Friday, April 3, 2009

I'm so LAME!!

OK. I am the world's lamest blogger. Really. This post is in response to my niece Stephanie's urging to just "blog it, Lorraine!" So, here goes... an update!!

2009 has gotten off to a good start. We celebrated my mom's 80th birthday with a wonderful family temple session at the St. George Temple where mom and dad serve as ordinance workers. They are great examples of faithful service and love. I love them both so much and I'm so grateful to have them as my parents. We had a family dinner that evening at Chuck-a-Rama in St. George. I really enjoyed being in the temple with Jon and Greg and my siblings and showing Jon where we were married nearly 32 years ago.
Happy 80th Birthday Mom!

We welcomed a new, sweet grandchild, Savannah Berrett to our family in December, and celebrated her blessing in February. She is such a darling baby!

Brooklyn is only two years old, and is already pretty much as good with a digital camera as I am! She loves to snap pictures and most of them are good!! She is definately not intimidated by electronics. Wonder where she gets that from?!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

I've been TAGGED! 8 Things....

I've been tagged... (by my niece, Andrea Hatch)
So here goes - 8 Things -

8 Favorite TV shows:
The Biggest Loser
About any college football game, but especially BYU
Antiques Roadshow
So You think you can Dance
Rachel Ray, sometimes.
The Office, sometimes.
That's about it.. I'm not much of a TV watcher
8 Favorite Restaurants:
Olive Garden
Costa Vida
Sweet Tomatoes
LaCosta (any Mexican)
8 things that happened yesterday:
I ran five miles - without dying!
I bottled grape juice
I cleaned up the mess from the grape juice
I went to the BYU-UNM homecoming football game
I didn't freeze at the game, due to 4 layers of clothing!
BYU won their game
I visited a fun new produce store in Orem, Sunflower Market, (thanks Lori)
I loved being outside on a crisp fall day
8 Things I Am Looking Forward To:
Going to Las Vegas with Greg in a week for a seminar
Watching Brooklyn while Lori and Todd go out of town
Spending time reading
Any time playing with my grandchildren
Stabilization of the Stock Market, the elections to be over, and Prop. 8 in California to pass
Getting some flowers planted in my yard - maybe next spring?
Trying out new recipes
Lori and Todd's baby coming in December
8 People I am Tagging: (how about 4)
That's all I can think of right now..
Here's a plug for a new multi-series TV show that I found interesting: Real Famlies, Real Answers on Sunday nights, 6:30 for the next six weeks or so. I watched the second one and it was good.. It will run as a PBS special nation wide in January I think. Right now it's on KBYU, channel 11 in Utah.

Monday, September 22, 2008


We celebrated Jon and Michael's 20th birthdays on Sunday with the family over for dinner. Natalie's 23rd birthday was this week also, but she celebrated in Idaho with her roommates. We missed her and Michael and hope that someone in Argentina wished Michael a "happy birthday". It's been a time of reflection for me, bringing back lots of happy memories of the birth of each one of our children. We are so blessed and I feel grateful for the opportunity to be a mother and now a grandmother. There is nothing like the joy that can be felt in the family. We wish Jon, Natalie and Michael a very successful and happy year.

With the assault on the traditional family, I feel especially grateful for the teachings of the gospel and the teachings of my parents. I encourage everyone who reads this to take some time to read and discuss "The Family: A Proclamation to the World" given by the First Presidency of the Church thirteen years ago. The truths stated there are more vital now than when it was given and seem to me to be critical for the success of our nation. With all the challenges that every family has, trying to model our families on this pattern is a real safeguard against forces of evil in the world.

Steve, Heidi, Michael and Kaitlyn enjoyed some lounging time.

Brooklyn found some safety glasses in her explorations of Michael's bedroom and wanted us all to wear them. So, here we are, ready for a game of racquet ball, or whatever. Shortly after we took the picture, Brooklyn walked into the wall.... good thing she had her safety glasses on!

Micheal is learning to fly! "Swing me Uncle Jon!!"

We love having the family get together whenever possible.